28 May How to Attract & Retain Real Estate Talent
We all know that the real estate market has a high turnover – especially Property Management. There are plenty of offices out there that are constantly recruiting, “a revolving door”. This may be down to a number of different factors. The million dollar question is how do we attract, engage and retain quality staff?
Recently Seek has completed extensive research with 6,000 people into what candidates are looking for in new positions and what is important to them in the workplace for them to feel appreciated and not go down the road to your competitors…
The three most important factors in attracting, engaging & retaining staff:
1. Salary/ remuneration – review it!
There are some great offices out there, reviewing salaries, conducting one on ones and even offering quarterly awards and recognition throughout the businesses. This is a great way of encouraging and engaging employees. On the other hand, many candidates who we interview have never had a salary review and are looking for recognition/ reward in a new opportunity. This doesn’t have to be financially, as previously mentioned. If there is clear communication between employee and employer about a career plan often candidates will be less reluctant to move on.
2. Work/ life balance – be flexible!
With more women returning to the workforce after having children, men becoming more involved in the upbringing of children and technology improving. It is becoming more important/ easier to create flexibility in the workplace. With the shortage of quality Property Managers in the industry this is a great way to retain quality staff members in the industry and appreciate the ones you already have. Additionally to this, living close to where you work enables you to get home from work quickly and enjoy your down time out of the office!
3. Culture, create it!
This is the new BUZZWORD! Everyone wants and dreams of a great company culture, but how do we achieve this? Every staff member should understand the company’s vision and culture, as everyone plays a part it in and it can take just one individual to destroy it. It is a great idea to sit down with your team and discuss what is important to them with culture in order to create a clear vision. It’s not all about Nutella crepes and wine on a Friday but that certainly does help!
This all seems obvious… right?
If you are looking at recruiting or for your next position in the Real Estate industry please don’t hesitate to give RECD a call – 9949 8290 or email [email protected]. We are happy to offer career advice/ assist with finding that perfect staff member!
P.S. We also love referrals! If you’re not looking but think someone else you know could benefit from this tag them below! If we place any referrals we will honour a $250 voucher.
Written by Kate Rowe – Recruitment Consultant