20 Feb Managing Your ‘Brand’
I just don’t get it…
As I get closer to turning 45… yes 45! I constantly find myself wondering what has happened to common courtesy, manners, decency and respect. How you manage these facets of yourself, really reflect your ‘Brand’.
This is my 15th year in Real Estate recruitment, and I am still amazed that on a daily basis I encounter constant ignorance and disregard for others, and that this significantly impacts your brand.
For instance, the amount of people who fail to show up for appointments. Why would you not call?
We had an instance this past week involving a candidate who was a perfect fit for a role we had lined her up for an interview for. She was so enthusiastic about the opportunity. She had previously been early for her meetings with us… We even spoke to her one hour before her scheduled interview with the client, and she was beyond thrilled about the impending meeting. For whatever reason – we still don’t know – she didn’t show. No call to us or them to advise of an issue or change of mind. We called her, sent a text – even rang her next of kin as we were genuinely concerned for her welfare.
Real Estate is a large industry but at the same time a very small one. People. Don’t. Forget.
Not showing respect to your professional contacts will not only severely impact your reputation, but impinge on your success in the industry as a whole. Recruiters won’t deal with you, agencies won’t employ you, and if you treat clients in the same fashion, you won’t win or keep their business.
Real estate requires exceptional people skills and communication. How you present yourself to others, the respect you show to your contacts, professional or otherwise, will not only determine whether you make it in the industry but whether you make it into the industry at all.
You own your reputation. It is your personal brand and you must do what you can to protect it. The most successful agents go out of their way to maintain this to the highest level and you must to … whatever the stage of your career.
It comes from the old adage, ‘Treat others how you expect to be treated yourself.’
I am yet to meet one person who is happy to be stood up in a professional or personal context. Always bear in mind how you would feel if the shoe was on the other foot.
Written by Melissa Karatjas – Director of RECD