04 Apr What candidates should expect from a recruiter
Increasingly I find myself meeting/ speaking with candidates who are reluctant to engage with recruitment agencies because of the way they have been spoken to, or forced into roles in the past.
I have recently spoken with candidates who have not MET these recruiters, not given permission to have their resumes sent out to potential employers, and not even been spoken to about what they are looking for.
A professional recruiter should take the time to get to know their candidates, assess their requirements and their career goals and source a role to meet as many of those requirements as possible. As a candidate you “do” have the choice regarding who represents you & how.
I will share a recent story with you… I met a lovely candidate (who applied for one of my Eastern Property Management roles) out of the office before work one morning. She was nervous to meet with me because of a past experience she had. She had been threatened by a recruiter who had never met her, to take a job, paying below the award wage in an office which she did not feel comfortable with.
This recruiter had threatened to “never help her again” and that her “real estate career would be ruined” if she did not accept the role.
Story goes… she takes the role and now is reluctant to use recruiters as she is stuck in a job she hates.
We worked hard re-gain her trust, and prove that all recruiters are not like this. It was worth it. She has been placed in a permanent full time role in a company she loves, earning an income she deserves.
So, for those of you looking for work in the real estate industry, this is what you can expect from the team at RECD:
- We will take the time to meet with you and create a plan for your career.
- We will be honest with you and give you positive, constructive feedback on how you can improve your resume/ interview skills.
- At every step of the process, we will keep you fully informed. We will call you and assess your suitability for the role you have applied for. We will discuss your goals and skills.
- We will never send out your personal information to potential employers without your permission.
- Your success is our success! We thrive in finding you a great fit and watching you succeed in the industry,
- We keep in touch with you after we place you in a role. Even if you gain employment outside of our service, we will still check in and see how you are going. We want our relationship with you to last long into the future. Plus if you love where you work we want to work for that company too!
- We value your confidentiality and respect your privacy.
If you are looking to be represented confidentially, honestly and constructively, with consultants who will ask you the right questions give us a call! We are now dealing with more candidates than ever on an exclusive basis, with more and more referrals coming our way.
By Kate Rowe – Recruitment Consultant